The Boxer can’t knit

I mentioned in a previous post that if Sinn Fein was to enter politics that it would be like a boxer entering a knitting contest. Well due to the riots it surely looks like the boxer can’t knit.

By allowing the scumbag thugs of the more violent factions of Sinn Fein to riot, destroy property assault Garda, reporters and anyone else who happened to be in the wrong place. They have shown that they are not motivated to extend the same liberties that allow them to speak, to others of the opposing voice. Demonstrating that their most potent arguments are those of the common bully.

And while the Unionist are laughing it up, their motivations are clear also, confrontation and incitement. Celebrating the victims of the IRA, while not honoring the victims of Unionist violence is equally one sided.

No one is honoring the Flag of the Irish Republic. And even I, as a ‘blow-in’ Irishman, know what they stand for. And anyone who crosses that white line between the the Green and Orange deservers to be instructed in the definition of Peace.