Predictions for the New Year

While the wife is trying to formulate a final post on her blog to end the year. I thought I’d take a different tack so here are my predictions for next year.

1) The World as we know it, will NOT end. (as in period)
2) The Euro (system) for Europe will NOT collapse.
3) I will get another year older.

Now here’s a cat picture.
So tuck in, and wait it out.

The Banking Crisis is Our Fault!

I heard all the arguments, and if I were in a position to actually have made the decisions, or been allowed to tender an opinion on the actions taken. I know I would have made different choices. But in the end;


We the people of Ireland are personally responsible for the crisis, for WE voted on the corrupt and idiotic government, the bad bureaucracy and bribed banked owned politicians who put us into this position. AS IN PERIOD!


There is no getting around it, so stop talking about a banking crisis, it’s a crisis of a democratic majority more concerned with trifling personalities, and historical artifacts that have no basis in fact. A Nonsensical political system that reenforces the rich, and dumps the poor and middle classes.

Gaddafi, the better deal for the western world.

If it hasn’t been apparent from the start. The western nations, via their corporate masters have deemed Gaddafi is the better choice to make deals with, regarding Libyan oil. Democratic governments are too, ‘open’ to he public. So in libya, the choice was clear, let the western leaders wring their hands, talk the talk, the let the revolution fail.

Simple, every government can pat themselves on the back for saying the right thing, while declaring that their hands were tied due to a ‘catch 22‘ situation, dammed if they do, dammed if they don’t.

The real question for the United States, what if the French had chosen NOT to intervene in the American Revolution?

Bow down before your corporate (interest) masters folks. Bend over, you are being given another drilling.

The 71 Fianna Fáil Royals, does not Democracy Make.

The 71 Fianna Fáil Party Royalty who are being allowed to decide on the issue of wither we remove a Corrupt and disgraceful Taoiseach, Brian Cowen is not a Democracy. It only represents the swaggering elitist thugs that have manhandled the Irish state into the ashcan of Europe and pissed away the sovereignty of Ireland and are therefore NOT entitled to make that decision.

An immediate General Election should be called and the ‘Heave’ should be given to the entire Fianna Fáil Gang by the people of Ireland in a true Democratic election.

Apprenticeships for the unemployed

The future of Irish unemployment, or for that matter, unemployment anywhere, may involve re-establishing a medieval apprenticeship, where students, or other unemployed IT/Scientific/Technical workers live with those in the same industry who ARE working, and learn the business from them, as MASTERS of the craft.

Apprentice – A Medieval Guild Apprentice was sent to work for a ‘Master’ during his early teens. The Apprenticeship lasted between 5 and 9 years depending on the trade. During this time the apprentice received no wages – just his board, lodging and training. An Apprentice was not allowed to marry until he reached the status of a Journeyman.

While all of these requirements need not be followed, it might alleviate homeless students or other tradesmen.

Nokia support is indescribable, really indescribable.

What can say Nokia support is indescribable, as in not available. I have an New Nokia N900 purchased through Expansys U.K. Which shipped it to me, from london (as in U.K.) but it turns out it was acquired by them from the U.S. and Nokia Europe does NOT service (as in repair) Nokia handsets that are sold by Nokia U.S. in the U.S.

Ok, What? Nokia will NOT service Nokia handsets because it’s a U.S. Nokia warrantee and not a E.U. Nokia warrantee. It’s a Nokia, and it’s a their warrantee!


Now I have to ship my phone to the U.S. to find warrantee service on my NOKIA Phone!

The YES! vote.

One thing, If the Yes vote is supposed to be the right (as in correct, AND good) Vote. Why is so much money being spent to Buy the Yes Vote!

Shouldn’t the Yes be self evident? And don’t say that it’s because there is a ‘No!’ campaign on, that must be countered. Opposition occurred second.

Compaq Presario CQ2009F

Have you ever looked for the perfect thing, and find that no one in Europe carry it, and no one will ship it to you. I have! I have been considering a low power, very green, server platform to use as a MySQL / Sybase / HTTP server system. My perfect system would have been this, Compaq Presario CQ2009F however nether Nor the HP Home Store will ship to Ireland, and neither sell it in Europe.

In this Recession, would you think that anyone would give up a market opportunity, or give up revenue?

In the end, I’ll probably end up with this thing Asus Eee Box and pay more for less computer! Rip off Ireland indeed!

UPDATE: to add insult to injury, Misco won’t ship this Shuttle X27D Mini ITX into Ireland from the UK!!!

UPDATE 2: It looks like someone at HP heard me, and have now relaeased the Compaq CQ2000M to Europe. Now all I have to do wait until someone actually carries it. 🙁

What is Waterford Crystal without Waterford?

I have watched the management of Waterford Crystal over the past few years, and have been amazed at how clueless they are about their product. Like most bean counters, they have sought to reduce expenses by pushing production into Eastern Europe and any other place where they could drop the cost of production. They must be insane! It’s the only conclusion that makes sense. They have been behaving as if their product is a commodity item like an automobile, or a toaster.

Waterford Cystal and Wedgewood ARE the labors and works of Waterford Ireland and Wedgewood England! Anything else is a fake, even with a waterford/wedgewood label on it, they are FAKES! Waterford Crystal is a luxury item that speaks to Quality not quantity. It means workmanship that a slow and skilled workforce imparts on each and every cut of the crystal. If you want bulk fakes, go to China!

The marketing of Waterford should be on the Apple model, special, and elegant, Not like Microsoft where ‘good enough’ and high volume turnover is the measure.

Now that the bean counters have closed Waterford, THERE IS NO WATERFORD accept no substitutes!

Irish Traitors on Lisbon

Well now that the Irish Traitors in the Government have sold out the Irish people by renouncing the validity of the Irish voters previous vote on Lisbon, we are now being required again (and again, ad infinitum ) until we vote for the ‘correct‘ answer to the Lisbon Referendum.

How long will the Irish Electorate tolerate such abuse of their trust? Not long, I hope, as they have guaranteed My NO! vote in the next Referendum.

Dell to Close Limerick Plant

Dell has discovered a clever way to close it’s Limerick as Dell plans to sell plants worldwide. The limerick Plant has been known for some time to be less profitable than those in the far east and eastern Europe. When it comes to purchasing the Limerick plant there will be no takers and it will have to close. Dell wins, as it will not have to give up it’s corporate tax breaks, and doesn’t look like the villain.

A vote of ‘No Confidence’ for Brian Cowan

One other outcome from the Lisbon ‘No’ vote is a general presumption of a vote of ‘No Confidence’ of Brian Cowan and his government. Having set as a principal goal of his administration, a ‘Yes’ Vote for the Lisbon Treaty. The utter failure to attain this goal constitutes a complete failure of Mr. Cowan’s leadership. Couple this with his inability to present this before the EU Commission as the definitive response of the Irish People, he now seeks to nullify the voice of his own people.

It’s time now to vote directly for a ‘No Confidence’ of Brian Cowan in the Dáil.