Eircom eFibre Lies

Again Eircom can’t tell the truth even if that had to the ‘So Called’ up to 70 Mbps download speeds are currently only 26 Mbps about 1/3 what they are claiming, but what the hell it’s better than the ADSL they had, claiming 8 Mbps and delievering 4 Mbps.

UPDATE: just tested this, so maybe there is hope 43/11 not too bad.

The Banking Crisis is Our Fault!

I heard all the arguments, and if I were in a position to actually have made the decisions, or been allowed to tender an opinion on the actions taken. I know I would have made different choices. But in the end;


We the people of Ireland are personally responsible for the crisis, for WE voted on the corrupt and idiotic government, the bad bureaucracy and bribed banked owned politicians who put us into this position. AS IN PERIOD!


There is no getting around it, so stop talking about a banking crisis, it’s a crisis of a democratic majority more concerned with trifling personalities, and historical artifacts that have no basis in fact. A Nonsensical political system that reenforces the rich, and dumps the poor and middle classes.

The Woe of WiKileaks

George Carlin on the “American dream, outlines why WiKileaks is being assaulted. And why we have such rotten governments around the world.

Additional Material: Amnesia as a Way of Life: WikiLeaks Amid the “Careless People”

The ownership of the House (of Representatives)

I know all the Mass Media Press and even Intrade have predicted that the Republican Party will take over the U.S. House of Representatives during this election. But I am wishing this were not true, and I think that maybe I’m not the only one.

This is the same GOP Party that has brought the U.S.A. to the brink of destruction with their Corporate Policy’s that favor the Rich and powerful over the general population. And they are gaining GrassRoots support largely due to their ownership of most of the Press.

I fear that the GOP is both repeating The Big Lie so much that they expect to win on it, and that because the press it telling everyone that the GOP will take over the House, that they are expecting a Self-fulfilling prophecy to seduce the public into voting them back into control of the house.

But like I mentioned earlier, I can’t be the only one wishing that they will NOT get their hands on the controls of the House. If that is the case, I’m wishing that the Democrats get off their collective Asses and broadcast the GOP corruptions and Facts facing the voters this election. I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed, but I guess that I’ll just have to be satisfied that with the Democrats and the Republican splitting the Senate and House, that Congress will get nothing done. And that’s a good thing. Because ANY time congress passes a law, someone looses a freedom, and that can’t be good.

Underground War – Whistle Blowers strike back.

I may be the last to see this, a war, underground and undeclared, but a war. The opponents are a bit undefined but there is a clear and escalating combat in the world. I’m not talking about Terrorists, (although the establishment who is under assault may declare their attackers as such) I am talking about the the established order, The Multi-Nationals, the Big Press, Governments, Military establishments, Religious organizations. The big anonymous bodies that have been abusing their positions to detriment everyone else.

On the opposing side, are all the little people, groups and oppressed, or the perceived oppressed. Your fellow ‘pissed off’ worker setting next to you, who will explode in a fountain of Whistle blowing. A venting of frustration that will result in the next big internet explosion.

The WikiLeaks is merely the first oozing pustule on the face of the corporeal Corporations of the world. The World of Blogging has for many years undermined the world press both broadcast and print to the point that now the majority of the population now refer to the Internet for real news rather than the handful of corporation owned ‘News’ services.

Control has now slipped out of the hands of those who for years have managed the information flow. Evidence of this ‘management’ appears almost daily in the presentations of ignorance passed off as ‘News’. And where ‘Fair and Balanced’ openly bribe governments to maintain control, religious organizations openly attempt to promote such myths as Creationism at the scientific Truth.

The tide has turned, and the failing newspapers are only the start. Watch for more WikiLeaks and Whistle Blower sites springing up, more Lawsuits more Smear campaigns as the giant attempts to swat the Whistleblowers who are biting it to death.

I’m truly afraid for the United States

I’m truly afraid for the United States, and I’ll tell you why, when Consumers are more satisfied with Fox News sites than newspapers or any other News Services for that matter, it boggles the mind. I can’t imagine, the only News service Fox News, that can Legally Lie is the most satisfying News service in America.

I’m very, very afraid for the intelligence of the U.S. population.

Is Apple Paranoid?

Paranoia is the only explanation for Apple Claiming iPhone Jailbreaking Could Crash Cellphone Towers. What is it with them, does AT&T have their thumb up their Apples? It more and more vindicates my decision to not buy into the Apple iPhone/iPod touch ecosystem. Android and Palm Pre are going to kick Apple’s AT&T! I guess that it’s true, Apple want’s to be the next Microsoft!

The Guise of truth

Israel lost the last war with Hezbollah and I Blogged about it here when I wrote that Israel loses the War on Terror and it looks like the Israeli government has learned to change their propaganda to alter perceptions but are we trusting what we see?. Can we recognize a YouTube campaign when we see one? Not likely, but what is worse is that this ‘war’ may be more about upcoming elections in Israel than anything Hamas has been doing.


Kinda says it all!

Delusional Republican thinking.

Now that the Presidential Election, we can fully analyze the level of self delusional behavior of the GOP pundits. There must be a test somewhere that qualifies the skill level for liars with the top ranking being GOP spin doctor. I have seen more outright lies, ‘fact’ fabrication and delusional self importance and misrepresentation of Democratic positions now, than during the election. Everything from denying the Obama Mandate, which was manifested as a massive turnout and overwhelming popular support, and declaring the Bush ‘mandate’ which did not even consist of winning the popular vote in 2000. Making up statistics about a Palin boost that didn’t exist, just comes naturally to such people.

Over the past few days I’ve visited many right wing, religious sites, that I swear must be written from another planet as what they are talking about and how they perceive the election results, and Obama in general, displays a grand delusion found only in mental hospitals.. They generally spew garbage on single issues of doom and gloom without a single fact check, not a single authentic reference. When they do reference sources, they almost always link to each other, the sum of which creates a level of unreality which could best be described as a form of political science fiction. The worst of this is a religions zeal with which could only be described as Christian Jehad against anything Obama might likely (real or imagined) believe in.

All this angst can’t be good, and will lead to trouble, like the recent promotion of gun purchases by the NRA, someone is going to shoot off their foot, not just their mouths.

If you want examples of some of these delusions visit conservapedia where some of the best wingnuts hang out.

The Epitome of Dirty Politics, McCain/Palin

They are even making things up now, This article He Will Bankrupt Coal Industryhas been so thoroughly debunked as a fraud it’s stunning, but it’s being promoted as the gospel truth by all the GOP zombies on the planet, it’s shocking in the depth of it slime.

And we have 24 more hours to put up with it!

Data mining Terrorism

I have been, and will continue to be amused about the Storm over Big Brother database. Amused because I know ultimately that it will fail to stop terrorism, but also that I know how easily such a system can be overwhelmed into oblivion. The only reason for these databases is for political control, not for protection, but political gain. Security Theater, and nothing more.

Consider for a minute, should someone discover a method to product Weapons of Mass Destruction out of say, peanut butter. A database would have to track the purchase and use of every gram of peanut butter, and latter peanuts, raw and roasted, and then farmers who could grow peanuts. The data would grow exponentially and it wouldn’t find anyone who could or does produce WMD’s from peanut butter. It wouldn’t even be able to detect that the Peanut butter Bomb was a hoax.

Defeat McCain with the Truth

While the mud slinging and lies are flying from the GOP, the Obama campaign I’m sure are trying to find a strategy that will nullify the muck flowing from McCain and Palin. This West Wing Clip, while addressing a religious nut job from a talk show, ends with a quote, ‘That is how I will defeat him {my presidential opponent}” and while it’s subtle, it speaks one thing, Obama should defeat McCain and Palin with the truth, with the facts, with honesty, in other words, with everything they are not!.