Now that the Presidential Election, we can fully analyze the level of self delusional behavior of the GOP pundits. There must be a test somewhere that qualifies the skill level for liars with the top ranking being GOP spin doctor. I have seen more outright lies, ‘fact’ fabrication and delusional self importance and misrepresentation of Democratic positions now, than during the election. Everything from denying the Obama Mandate, which was manifested as a massive turnout and overwhelming popular support, and declaring the Bush ‘mandate’ which did not even consist of winning the popular vote in 2000. Making up statistics about a Palin boost that didn’t exist, just comes naturally to such people.
Over the past few days I’ve visited many right wing, religious sites, that I swear must be written from another planet as what they are talking about and how they perceive the election results, and Obama in general, displays a grand delusion found only in mental hospitals.. They generally spew garbage on single issues of doom and gloom without a single fact check, not a single authentic reference. When they do reference sources, they almost always link to each other, the sum of which creates a level of unreality which could best be described as a form of political science fiction. The worst of this is a religions zeal with which could only be described as Christian Jehad against anything Obama might likely (real or imagined) believe in.
All this angst can’t be good, and will lead to trouble, like the recent promotion of gun purchases by the NRA, someone is going to shoot off their foot, not just their mouths.
If you want examples of some of these delusions visit conservapedia where some of the best wingnuts hang out.