McCain releases Racist Jeni and tears country apart.

McCain has released the Racist Jeni and is tearing the United States apart. This news comes as McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd. He and his co-conspirator Sara Palin have, with full knowledge, released this monster on the American people out of desperation, and are gleefully soaking up it’s benifits. There has always been a racist vein running through American culture, but now that white america is faced with becoming the minority on this planet, the prospect of being lead by ‘one of them’ has become vicious.

Defeat McCain with the Truth

While the mud slinging and lies are flying from the GOP, the Obama campaign I’m sure are trying to find a strategy that will nullify the muck flowing from McCain and Palin. This West Wing Clip, while addressing a religious nut job from a talk show, ends with a quote, ‘That is how I will defeat him {my presidential opponent}” and while it’s subtle, it speaks one thing, Obama should defeat McCain and Palin with the truth, with the facts, with honesty, in other words, with everything they are not!.


Why did all the politicians believe that a constitution that had been voted down by the French, could be rename and sold to the Irish?

Why do Politicians now try to pass off the Irish No vote as not representative of the rest of the population of Europe who didn’t get to vote?

Why did the Politicians believe that a childish ‘Because it’s good for you‘ argument that doesn’t work on children, would work on the Irish Adult population?

Big questions. Questions that will never be answered by the current crop of Politicians because they don’t know any part of the Why in these questions.

I can think of a few, here’s one

A) It was only good for politicians

Obama to be assassinated

Or at least that is the desire of some. I’m afraid there is a massive movement of miss information underway to undermine the Obama presidential campaign. Emails and messages are being passed throughout the American South and the Bible Belt that such things as Obama being a Closet Muslin and that he intends to swear into the Presidential Office on the Koran (Quran) rather than the bible. I personally thought this was silly until I saw this video God and Politics in Lynchburg Tennessee It’s amazing the ignorance being spoken here. But the more interesting is the indications that the source of the information is an ‘information artifact’ where there is no defined source for the ‘fact’ being quoted. But the the ‘fact’ carried such emotional weigh that it is believed because it falls into one’s own belief structure. This is dangerous, as Anti Obama information carrying such emotional power, evokes powerful reactions, like assassination.

Traitors to the U.S. Constitution

For voting to violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States I present you with Traitors;

Sen. Lamar Alexander [R, TN] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Wayne Allard [R, CO] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Barrasso [R, WY] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Max Baucus [D, MT] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. B. Evan Bayh [D, IN] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Robert Bennett [R, UT] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Christopher Bond [R, MO] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Samuel Brownback [R, KS] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Jim Bunning [R, KY] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Richard Burr [R, NC] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Thomas Carper [D, DE] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Robert Casey [D, PA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. C. Saxby Chambliss [R, GA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Hillary Clinton [D, NY] Coward in defence of the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Thomas Coburn [R, OK] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Thad Cochran [R, MS] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Norm Coleman [R, MN] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Susan Collins [R, ME] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Kent Conrad [D, ND] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Bob Corker [R, TN] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Cornyn [R, TX] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Larry Craig [R, ID] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Michael Crapo [R, ID] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Jim DeMint [R, SC] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Elizabeth Dole [R, NC] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Pete Domenici [R, NM] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Ensign [R, NV] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Michael Enzi [R, WY] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Lindsey Graham [R, SC] Coward in defence of the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Charles Grassley [R, IA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Judd Gregg [R, NH] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Charles Hagel [R, NE] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R, UT] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R, TX] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. James Inhofe [R, OK] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Daniel Inouye [D, HI] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Isakson [R, GA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Tim Johnson [D, SD] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Herbert Kohl [D, WI] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Jon Kyl [R, AZ] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Mary Landrieu [D, LA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I, CT] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Blanche Lincoln [D, AR] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Richard Lugar [R, IN] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Mel Martinez [R, FL] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John McCain [R, AZ] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Claire McCaskill [D, MO] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Mitch McConnell [R, KY] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D, MD] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R, AK] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Ben Nelson [D, NE] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Bill Nelson [D, FL] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Barack Obama [D, IL] Coward in defence of the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Mark Pryor [D, AR] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Pat Roberts [R, KS] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Rockefeller [D, WV] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Ken Salazar [D, CO] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Jefferson Sessions [R, AL] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Richard Shelby [R, AL] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Gordon Smith [R, OR] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Olympia Snowe [R, ME] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Arlen Specter [R, PA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Ted Stevens [R, AK] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Thune [R, SD] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. David Vitter [R, LA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. George Voinovich [R, OH] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. John Warner [R, VA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Jim Webb [D, VA] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D, RI] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution
Rep. Roger Wicker [R, MS-1] Traitor to the U.S. Constitution

Please remember these names when you next vote for a representative that will honor their oaths.

Religion and politics

In the current political race to the U.S. Presidency religion has become a major issue with Clinton, McCain, Huckabee, Romney and Obama, that some of them have even gone so far as to profess a disbelief in Evolution as a true measure of the religious convictions. Now one of the primary reasons politicians proudly display their religious credentials is the mistaken belief of the religiously deluded that the politician in question somehow identifies them with a higher moral standard, and therefore are more honest and trustworthy.

This couldn’t be further from the truth, as any rational person knows, the very fact that they ARE Politicians precludes any guise of honesty and trust. People who’s only desire and chosen career path is the control of other people’s lives under the rule of governmental coverage, masking as ‘leaders’ their inability to perform any other honest work. The Constitution of the U.S., and for that matter, any other country, is the basis of control of the government power, and not to control the population governed.

So the question is, why would anyone credit a politicians religion with any value? Beats me!

Whatever became of the truth?

Bush’s friendly co-conspirator in the White House Lies and deception club has come up with something he can really sink his teeth into, The U.S. Propaganda Agency to quote;

…the United States is losing the war of ideas in the Muslim world, and the answer to that, in part, is through the creation of this new government agency

Whatever happened to the truth? If the truth isn’t there, someone will discover that it’s not the truth, and no amount of lying is going to make anyone listen to it. Mind you if you can control all sources of information (MSN, radio, TV, Internet), and either censor or block the truth, what does it matter what you say?

Radio Free Europe has been identified as one of the most useful tool to bring down the Iron curtain, on a simple principal, that even under political pressure, it would ONLY broadcast the truth.

But this administration doesn’t know the truth, to them, the truth is the enemy, and so we have what we have. A world of spin and deception.

Something else we didn’t know, the truth.

It looks like the truth does come out, in the end, but why are we surprised when someone does a Study: False statements preceded war about something we already knew. That the President of the United States wasn’t telling the truth. Can we impeach this administration now? Does anyone doubt the need to demonstrate to the world that America CAN be trusted again, by eliminating the liars, and restoring the trust?

Cheney and Bush seeding false treasonous information

There seems to be a great deal of information masquerading as fact as to the nature of the treasonous act that have been committed by the Bush/Cheney administration. This could be that the conspiracies are starting to unravel, or it could be, as in the George W. Bush military service controversy which brought down Dan Rather the ‘facts’ being seeded in the internet may be believable, but false, and might be cited along with real evidence of the impeachable offenses commited by them. These could have been planted so that they could be refuted, and with them, the real facts relating to treasonable acts, as needed, if and when impeachment hearing begin. The GOP has never hesitated to publish outright lie’s if they thought that they could spin them later to their own advantage. Why should this be any different? They are just laying the groundwork knowing that the many crimes against American Citizens and the Constitution of the United States will eventually come to light.

Hero’s are what we wish leaders to be.

And when we seek leaders, in our politicians, or in any person during a crisis and even even in a fellow worker in our day to day work lives. Hero’s brighten our lives, lighten our loads and renew our spirits. On the average we never seem to have enough hero’s, and we often seek them in our dreams, the theater, and on the television.

In this coming election season, the hopes and dreams of the world seek a hero in Barack, Hillary, Fred, Ron, Dennis, Mike and Al and/or any of the rest. And the goal of those politicians will be to appear to be, those hero’s, to win our hearts and minds. But hero’s aren’t heros by selling themselves, but by proving themselves, not by convincing us to trust them, but by earning our trust.

We shouldn’t be looking for the lesser of the evils, but the best hope for the future.

…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.