Working For Myself.
With over 35 years experience in software development, MIS systems design & engineering, IT operations, and Infrastructure Architecture issues. I have programmed in FORTRAN, BASIC (MS style & DEC) Pascal, C, C++, Ada, Java languages, HPUX, AIX Sun-OS & Solaris, Linux, POS and VMS Operating Systems and Ingres Informix, DB2, RDB, Datatrive, MySQL, Sybase and Oracle RDBMS, and I have been assembling the hardware as well as installing and configuring the system software(s). I have work experience ranging from single chips to microcomputers and PC’s to multiprocessor Midrange Unix Linux Solaris and VMS systems and clusters. I also have experience with both wireless and wired network protocols and mediums. I also have management experience on programming teams, network security teams and within systems operations departments. I put my first program into the DECUS program Library (call it open source) in 1984 (great date). One of my hobbies is to collect old computers, and make them work, every thing I have works.
Idea Forecasting, Cork Ireland (4-12 to current)
Writer. Compiling book materials on general computing and writing a tutorial/primer/history/book on CPU internals and what makes them work.
TeamWork.com, Cork Ireland (7-2012 to 3-2018)
DBA. (Retired) Assisted in the conversion and migration of the MySQL production system into the Amazon RDS, and application servers into the AWS EC2. Performance tuning of MySQL (RDS) databases, and rewriting SQL for performance. Installation of Nagios, and the migration of the Postorus Blog to WordPress (AWS EC2).
Polecat – Meaningmine, Dublin, Ireland (2-12 to 4-12)
Data Analyst. Analyst for Polecat tasked with creating metaphors depicting ‘health’ of Social Networking sites as part of the EU ROBUST project.
Intrade , Dublin 12 (9-06 to 1-12)
Sybase Database Analyst. Senior DBA providing database programming for reports and Java Application API’s and on demand ad-hoc queries. Currently re-engineering the production cluster servers and enhancing application process flow. Managing a High Availability (HA) E-Commerce web application database for Java. Managing, and enhancing the primary business datawarehouse (MDDB and OLAP). Transfer all Sybase operations from V12.x on Sun Solaris to 15.x on RedHad Linux. Converting the primary Sybase application schema to MySql and migrating the Intrade Sybase Archive (OLAP) database to a MySQL equivalence. Operating EC2 ( Cloud ) instances of MySQL and applications servers for soon to be announced future system.
Prumerica Systems Ireland Ltd., Letterkenny Co. Donegal (8-04 to 8-06)
QA Department
Senior Systems Tester Performed Systems integration testing of Prudential Financial Systems and data quality analysis between Progress and Oracle Data warehousing systems. Conducted, beginning and Advanced SQL training for Oracle (v8 & 10), Sybase (v12.5x) and DB2 (UDB) Databases on IBM and SUN systems.
Systems Department
Sybase Database Programmer/Analyst Contracted from Donegal, Ireland in support of Prudential Financials based in the U.S.A. Producing reverse engineered documentations to internal systems and services. Upgraded and enhanced procedures, processes and performed tuning of existing systems. Conducted, beginning and Advanced SQL training for Oracle (v8 & 10), Sybase (v12.5x) and DB2 (UDB) Databases on IBM and SUN systems.
Skerry’s Cork Business School , Cork City, Co. Cork Ireland (3-04 to 7-04)
Lecturer : Conducted classes in Management Information Systems (MIS), Systems Analysis and Computer Applications.
University College Cork , Cork City, Co. Cork Ireland
Department of Computer Science (10-02 to 4-03)
Tutor : Conducted formal tutoring of first year students in JAVA programming language and assisted in the first year lab as a demonstrator.
ATT Wireless Services Inc. , Kirkland, Washington U.S.A.
National Data Center Operations (NDCO), Systems Engineering Group (9-00 to 5-02)
Senior Systems Architect : Designing and assisting in the configurations of new systems for 2G, 2.5G and 3G wireless data systems systems and architecting Oracle, Sybase and Sybase IQ database environments. Assisting in Performance gathering and analysis including data forecasting of wireless call data and projection of future hardware and software requirements. Assisting in debugging and tuning of existing Sybase Database servers. Participating in Oracle certification training and DB2 classes. I trained Junior DBA’s and Webmasters in dynamic webpage development utilizing embedded SQL with CGI. Participated in Company wide infrastructure architectural decision making processes and software and hardware reviews for inclusion in ATT wireless infrastructure and helped set future direction for the company.
Fraud Management System (AT&T WS), (3-97 to 8-00)
Senior Sybase DBA : Database Analyst and Sybase (version 11.5-12.0) Administrator for the Wireless Fraud and Revenue Operations team (FROST) developed and maintained a web based Command and control server to administrate over 100 servers operated by the team. Maintained over 500 databases on more than 20 servers. Mentoring Jr DBA’
SRI International , Menlo Park, California U.S.A.
Advanced Development and Engineering Group, (5-95 to 3-97)
Senior Systems Analyst : Database Analyst and Sybase Administrator involved in the Mainframe to Solaris Client / Server MIS migration. Converting EBCDIC to ASCII data structures and databases. Developing WWW to Sybase (V. 11 > 11.5 ) database reporting and query tools. Web Master of the SRI MIS HTML server SRI Information Systems .
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories , Richland Washington U.S.A.
Applied Physics Dept., Information Systems and Engineering, (9-94 to5-95)
Research Scientist : Designing an Internet (WWW/HTML) Imagery catalog and access repository of Hyper Spatial, Multi-Spectral, Video, Thermal and Digitized photography as part of the Airborne Multi sensor Pod System (AMPS)(an inter laboratory collaboration) on Sun Systems.
Information Systems and Services Dept., Computers and Network Technology, (10-91 to 9/94)
Research Scientist : Designed and implemented the Network Information Database (NIB) using a Sybase V4.2 as the data authority for the PNL BIND (DNS) server and Network Node registration system. Attended XVT training to advance the use of this cross-platform GUI development environment. Provided consulting to the Application Development Department and taught SQL classes. Assisted the SHIMS development and Prototyped an Enterprise Replication model using OMNISQL gateway. Created the PNL Sybase Information Repository
Electrospace Systems Inc . (A Chrysler Company), Richardson, Texas U.S.A.
C3I Special Projects (2-88 to 10-91)
Senior Software Engineer : Designed a computer system composed of SUN workstations simulating combat in an interactive real time GPS display system for the Combat Maneuver Training Center. Designed an interactive computerized facsimile of an obsolete control console for the Netherlands Navy’s SHF Satcom control System. Completed the Military Airlift Commands Information Processing System’s Wide Area (wireless) Network Interface System (MAC- IPSWAN-IS) using TCP/IP and DDN Protocols on VAX 3400 using Ada in conjunctions with Collins HF frequency hopping radios. Management of several VAX-LAVC clusters and workstation and NFS UNIX workstation clusters. Experience with CADRE Ada/Teamwork CASE tools. Acted as Civilian Field engineer for U.S. Army Communication Systems in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield/Storm. Performed IR&D into TA-COM-COM, and interfaced a GIS (GRASS) system involving real time data acquisition with C and Ada. Completed Sybase training at Sybase version 4.2. Secret Clearance.
Software Engineer : Engineered and completed a system level Diagnostic package in FORTRAN operating in a VAX LAVC using VWS windows interface for the U.S. Army Communications System Control Element (CSCE). Designed an Integrated SYStem CONtrol (ISYSCON) system for the U.S. Army. Complete Ada training at Digital Equipment Corporation and at Hewlett Packard. I hold a Secret Clearance.
H&R Block , Kansas City, Missouri U.S.A. (7-86 to 2-88)
Applications Programmer : Systems Programmer on the Rapid Refund Automated Tax Filing/Refund Staff, using multiple Micro VAX Ii systems inter linked by asynchronous DDCMP using a application written in VAX-BASIC and Microsoft C on IBM PS2 model 30’s. I also Developed a System Level user interface to VMS in VAX-BASIC for inexperienced System managers at remote sites, which was submitted and accepted by the DECUS Program Library ( V00268 ). Interfaced obsolete TI Printers to Micro VAX II’s.
Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kansas U.S.A. (Part time 7-87 to 2-88)
Instructor : Teaching integrated applications on personal computers.
Black & Veatch Engineers , Kansas City , Missouri U.S.A. (3-83 to 7-86)
Applications Programmer : Systems Communications department. Developed a menu driven database in RSX-BASIC for Black & Veatch on Professional 350’s and VAX 11/750’s. Submitted and accepted by the DECUS program Library ( PRO-127 ). Installed ETHERNET LAN’s for VAX networks and Managed the network. Interfaced VT220 terminals and PC’s into VAX systems. Interfaces Xerox Laser printers to the VAX’s.
Micro Computer Coordinator : In charge of the Mini/Microcomputers assigned to the computer services department. Responsibilities included Maintenance, Systems Instruction, teaching BASIC Language classes and Applications programming.
Washburn University , Topeka, Kansas U.S.A. (8-81 to 3-83)
Tutor : Instructed individuals and small groups in BASIC programming and DOS systems on personal computers.
Computerland , Topeka, Kansas U.S.A. (3-81 to 6-81)
Small Computer Manager : Responsible for many classes of Personal and small Business computers. Provided assistance in both software and hardware areas. Responsible for programming, testing of software and hardware.
University of Kansas , Lawrence, Kansas U.S.A. (6-77 to 7-77 & 6-78 to 7-77)
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Teaching Assistant: Taught Astronomy and Astrophotography to high school students in special summer astronomy program.
United States Navy (4-72 to 6-74, Reserve duty to 11-77)
Petty Officer , 3rd Class Sonar Technician: Training at Key West, Florida U.S.A.. Active duty aboard USS JESSE L. BROWN in Atlantic coastal area and Caribbean theater. Qualified as nuclear weapons handler. Secret Clearance.
B.G.S, University of Kansas , Lawrence, Kansas U.S.A.(1979)
Demographic and Econometric forecasting
Studies toward M.S., Washburn University , Topeka Kansas U.S.A. (8-81to 3-83)
Oracle , Database administration Classes
Sybase , Adaptive Server Database administrative Classes
Hewlett Packard , Ada programming classes
Digital Equipment Corporation , Ada programming Classes
Are you interested in returning to the KC area? I have a position available for your skill sets.
Your asking me that, with the KC Weather being as it is? 🙂 It probably won’t happen in the near term, sorry.