I know all the Mass Media Press and even Intrade have predicted that the Republican Party will take over the U.S. House of Representatives during this election. But I am wishing this were not true, and I think that maybe I’m not the only one.
This is the same GOP Party that has brought the U.S.A. to the brink of destruction with their Corporate Policy’s that favor the Rich and powerful over the general population. And they are gaining GrassRoots support largely due to their ownership of most of the Press.
I fear that the GOP is both repeating The Big Lie so much that they expect to win on it, and that because the press it telling everyone that the GOP will take over the House, that they are expecting a Self-fulfilling prophecy to seduce the public into voting them back into control of the house.
But like I mentioned earlier, I can’t be the only one wishing that they will NOT get their hands on the controls of the House. If that is the case, I’m wishing that the Democrats get off their collective Asses and broadcast the GOP corruptions and Facts facing the voters this election. I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed, but I guess that I’ll just have to be satisfied that with the Democrats and the Republican splitting the Senate and House, that Congress will get nothing done. And that’s a good thing. Because ANY time congress passes a law, someone looses a freedom, and that can’t be good.
Nothing is more convincing than a logical and well documented description of the Path to Fascism
Fascist in America, are we there yet? Everyday I’m glad I don’t live there anymore. It’s a shame that the GOP has chosen to commit Treason against the American Constitution and actively seek to institute a Fascist overthrow of the American government.
If you ever wonder why the GOP is no longer in power in the U.S. this video will answer all your questions. It’s a shame this can’t be used in Court during commitment hearings. The only thing missing in this interview is his claim that Obama is communicating with space aliens.
If this doesn’t reek of classic Republican Hypocritical behavior nothing will when Republicans criticize Obama aides’ silence. They are criticizing from a government that that has epitomized non-transparent obscuration and political spin on every subject in the past. It makes one wonder just how stupid the American Public are, of maybe were. After all, they are no longer in control, and with this kind of ignorance and arrogance, will never be again.
With the Presidential contest going down the tubes for the Republican (GOP) party, and the potential to lose majority, and even filibuster control of both houses of Congress. The GOP is coming off as a wounded animal and wounded animals are very dangerous. They can attack Iran, swing to radical right and declare independance from the union. They can assasinate opposition, declare martial law and suspend elections.
And that’s just if they want to be open about it.
What does a TV weatherman and the Republican Party have in common?
A weatherman can incorrectly predict the weather every day and still have a job.
The GOP politicians can be wrong about everything else and are still in the running to be elected!
If you want war never ending, vote for McCain, “ Make Cheney look like Gandhi”
Someone from the States just email me this link, and it makes for interesting reading. Calling Sarah Palin the Barracuda may be only the start of the story. This woman is down right dangerous, not to the Democrats, but the Republicans, as she represents all the worst traits that Republicans have been demonstrating over the last 8 years in the Whitehouse.
Do you want this Palin person to be only one (feeble) heartbeat away from becoming the President of the only remaining Super Power on earth?