Writing Science Fiction

A couple of years ago while observing the relentless anti-Science diatribe coming from the conservatives. I came up with a Idea for a Science Fiction story, and it went something like this;

Many different Scientist had been ‘blackballed’ by the government in power, and removed from their jobs. Unable to work, they had taken any jobs they could get, pumping gas, fast food, and delivery people. Low pay, no respect, and no Science. While many had offers to work abroad in their fields, they were blocked from leaving the U.S. by being placed on no-fly and no-travel restrictions. The government did not want the brain drain, but they didn’t want the scientist from becoming active again, and casting doubts upon the U.S.

So here we are, science suppressed, and scientist restricted. So a group of Irish (where I currently reside) conspired with the Irish government (covertly) to create passports and travel documents for the scientist being held. Then an Irish person who could pass in appearance to a scientist, would enter the U.S. as a visitor, and assume the identity of the individual, and work their jobs, fill their roles and report to their parole boards. In the mean time, the scientists would use the created Irish identities to flee the U.S. and then sometime later the substitutes themselves would exit. The scientists would then be free, and able to resume their Scientific Research.

The story would then detail this activity for several different scientists…etc, etc, etc

Now, in the present, this is no longer a Science Fiction story, and not even really a Fiction of any sort. It is a sad telling of the near reality.

UPDATE: It’s already beginning – Make our Planet Great!

Fear and Loathing in the U.S.

I found this on the @SarahPalin_Blog and it reads in the discription;

The continuing story of a moose hunting, hockey Mom who may become leader of the free world.

And I find this disturbing and frightening on so many levels, however after thinking about it for a bit it could never happen. For if Ms. Palin should ever become President of the United States, The United States would cease to be part of the ‘Free World’ and be in fact, the antithesis of a free country, a new Fascist state would rise, and have to be putdown by the remaining ‘Free World’ countries.

Be afraid, be very afraid!

For if you don’t put down a mad dog now, you will surly have to put it down later after it’s bitten someone!

A great article on the Amercan Future (GOP) Fascist future.

Nothing is more convincing than a logical and well documented description of the Path to Fascism
Fascist in America, are we there yet? Everyday I’m glad I don’t live there anymore. It’s a shame that the GOP has chosen to commit Treason against the American Constitution and actively seek to institute a Fascist overthrow of the American government.

A glimmer of Democracy

This article is amusing as a Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits. I was chilled by the observation that the Media and Pundits were so amazed at the opposition reaction to the Congressional bail out. The observation of this writer, was spot on with the snobs being snubbed by the general population. What would happen if the banks holding flaky mortgages failed, what if all the marginal mortgage holders were just granted the properties held by the banks. and then allow the banks fail. Wouldn’t that be real justice for corrupt banking and financial managers?

“Your representative owes you,
not his industry only, but his judgment;
and he betrays, instead of serving you,
if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

Edmund Burke
(1729-1797) Irish-born British statesman, parliamentary orator, and political thinker

Congress must make some hard decisions and it’s now time to standup and make them.