I’m truly afraid for the United States

I’m truly afraid for the United States, and I’ll tell you why, when Consumers are more satisfied with Fox News sites than newspapers or any other News Services for that matter, it boggles the mind. I can’t imagine, the only News service Fox News, that can Legally Lie is the most satisfying News service in America.

I’m very, very afraid for the intelligence of the U.S. population.

The truth that RTE does know.


… a Public Service Broadcaster, a non-profit making organisation owned by the Irish people.

RTÉ is a State owned and operated propaganda wing of Fianna Fáil! There is no other way to put it. In a free society, only a free and open press and broadcaster can be truly unbiased, anything else is a sham. All funding and support comes from the government, not the ‘Irish People’ truth is the last thing to be published. Bite the hand that feed’s it, you must be joking!

RTE should be cast out in the public domain, where a wealthy broadcast media giant can buy it … broadcast …. print … political propaganda … biased economic news….err….

Oh well! I’ll just have to turn off the telly and read more Blogs….

Internet to shutdown to help environment.

In this article Revealed: the environmental impact of Google searches the Times On-Line quotes from an energy researcher who has no access to Google energy data to state “A Google search has a definite environmental impact.” Much like posting his article online. Perhaps he should reflect on the old adage Without Reliable Data, I’m Just another A__Ho_e with an Opinion!

Google Rebuttals: Powering a Google Search

A glimmer of Democracy

This article is amusing as a Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits. I was chilled by the observation that the Media and Pundits were so amazed at the opposition reaction to the Congressional bail out. The observation of this writer, was spot on with the snobs being snubbed by the general population. What would happen if the banks holding flaky mortgages failed, what if all the marginal mortgage holders were just granted the properties held by the banks. and then allow the banks fail. Wouldn’t that be real justice for corrupt banking and financial managers?

“Your representative owes you,
not his industry only, but his judgment;
and he betrays, instead of serving you,
if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

Edmund Burke
(1729-1797) Irish-born British statesman, parliamentary orator, and political thinker

Congress must make some hard decisions and it’s now time to standup and make them.