A glimmer of Democracy

This article is amusing as a Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits. I was chilled by the observation that the Media and Pundits were so amazed at the opposition reaction to the Congressional bail out. The observation of this writer, was spot on with the snobs being snubbed by the general population. What would happen if the banks holding flaky mortgages failed, what if all the marginal mortgage holders were just granted the properties held by the banks. and then allow the banks fail. Wouldn’t that be real justice for corrupt banking and financial managers?

“Your representative owes you,
not his industry only, but his judgment;
and he betrays, instead of serving you,
if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”

Edmund Burke
(1729-1797) Irish-born British statesman, parliamentary orator, and political thinker

Congress must make some hard decisions and it’s now time to standup and make them.

Delusional greed in the financial sector

At a previous position, I worked with a major financial company. Insurance, investing, retirement and what not. And while attending a meeting with the business ‘customers’ of the ID department. I was nearly physically sickened by their use of the terminology ‘manufacturing a new product’. This is a financial institute, not a manufacture of real products. So when they created a product they meant a paper house contract. The sickening part was how they declare how much money the company would make from the future ‘customers’ of the product. Not that the ‘customer’ wouldn’t have earned some modest income from the ‘product’, it was just that the vast majority of any profits would go to the company, with the customer taking all of the risks. More over, the ‘creator’ of this new product would be richly rewarded in advance of any company profits from the product hence creating a motivation to ‘create’ more of these types of ‘products’. Greed, promoting Delusions that reward more greed. This is true nature of the financial issues we face and any congressman claiming market forces will fix the problems is blind AND stupid and otherwise, just a fool, and should be removed from office.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary.
James Madison

So a Free market we cannot afford. We must have government to control the Raw Greed on Wallstreet!