The Peasants of the U.S.

In a recent trip to the U.S. to visit the relatives, my wife tried to do shopping in one of the big malls and while watching her and the selections presented by the various stores I came to the conclusion that Americans are, or are being made into Peasants. I could not tell any difference in the selection of drab, shapeless sackcloth being presented by a various Macy’s, Dillard’s Nordstrom’s, J.C. Penny’s you name it, they were all the same. This was extending into the people wandering around the Mall, shapeless clothing. Tights on legs and bags on top. When the sharpest dressers were in Jeans and sneakers, that was saying a lot.

Even in the restaurants, guys in T-Shirts, and women in baggy sacks. Peasants everywhere.

