Dell Blackout on Factory Closings

It looks like Dell is attempting to suppress all information as they slap blackout on news about Raheen factory closings. That could be good news, or not. It could be a sign that they are negotiating a deal with the Irish Government. It could also be very bad news, and they are holding off until they can extract all the executive ‘hostages’, just in case 😉

UPDATE: Dell ceases all production at limerick

UPDATE_2: Looks like a dirty deal in Poland motivated the move Probe into €50m sweetener behind Dell move

Dell to Close Limerick Plant

Dell has discovered a clever way to close it’s Limerick as Dell plans to sell plants worldwide. The limerick Plant has been known for some time to be less profitable than those in the far east and eastern Europe. When it comes to purchasing the Limerick plant there will be no takers and it will have to close. Dell wins, as it will not have to give up it’s corporate tax breaks, and doesn’t look like the villain.